måndag 17 maj 2010

Döda Havet

Döda Havets vattennivå sjunker fortfarande, det visste jag faktiskt inte..

Reports indicate that the Dead Sea is still shrinking fast, with water
levels continuing to drop at the rate of about 1 meter per year.

far and wide for the reputed healing powers of its minerals and waters, the Dead
Sea has been luring visitors for thousands of years.

But these days,
tourists see a very different lake from the one that others would have witnessed
a few decades ago.

According to a report in National Geographic News,
the sea sits in the lowest place on earth, and for years, the water level was
1280 feet below sea level. However, in the last 40 years, it’s dropped more than
80 feet.

Today, the Dead Sea continues to drop at the rate of about 1 meter per
year. (Indian Express, 27 augusti 2009)

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